COMBUSTION 96 Gets Heavy with “Fallen Angel” Check It Out At Metal Injection Now

 “Jon Howard vocals forever.” – Metal Injection

Check out Combustion 96 – Fallen Angel (Official Track Visualizer) at Metal Injection here:

Featuring Members of Warbringer, Threat Signal, Delta, ONI, Teravolt, Sleeping Dog Multi-Platinum Certified Producer/Songwriter/Session Musician for Bad Wolves and Paul Gilbert

Produced by: Combustion 96 / Philip Näslund

Written by: Combustion 96 / Philip Näslund / Jon Howard

Mixed and Mastered by Kristoffer Folin / Ljudmagi –

Philip Näslund, who co-wrote and produced the track with Combustion 96 says, “It was so much fun writing and recording this song with the band. We were able to capture some crushing riffs and grooves on this one. Jon Howard did a phenomenal job channeling a more extreme vocal style, easily able to match the aggression of the track. This is one of those songs that developed from a heavy guitar riff, with everyone bringing their best to the table. I had a blast figuring out and trading guitar leads with Benjamín Lechuga, who recorded a face-melting, yet playful solo. We’re so pumped for this song to see the light of day!”

Formed in 2015, Combustion 96 forges a hard-hitting mix of hard rock and metal that originates from their impressively diverse bank of influences. Starting as a one-man project, the music attracted several notable vocalists for its 2016 debut EP, First Wave. Singers such as Tommy Vext (The Lone Wolf, Bad Wolves), Frankie Palmeri (Emmure), and Corey Bennett (Bermuda) all contributed to the underground success of the band’s first offering that, to this day, continues to draw considerable streaming attraction.



Starting out as a studio project in 2015, Dallas based Hard Rock/Metal act Combustion 96 decided to follow up their releases with a run of shows in the fall of 2023 and continued touring throughout 2024. Trying out new material in front of larger audiences than previously, the 2024 touring was very successful.


Combustion 96 released their debut music video for “On the Line” on March 15, 2024 with a premiere at Revolver.


The band released their latest single, “Lost in the Dark” on November 18, 2024 which Metal Injection streamed exclusively. This release marked the band getting European radio airplay for the first time.


To follow up “Lost in the Dark”, Combustion 96 now announce the release of their heavy new single “Fallen Angel”.


The band plans to consistently tour, release new music, continue collaborating with established musicians and expand on the sonic and visual universe that characterizes Combustion 96.

Combustion 96 is:

Jon Howard – Vocals (Threat Signal)

Benjamin Lechuga – Guitars (Delta)

Niklas Rubensson – Guitars (Founder of Combustion 96)

Philip Näslund– Guitars (Bruce Dickinson, Multi Platinum Producer; Bad Wolves, Paul Gilbert)

Chase Bryant – Bass (ONI, Warbringer)

Yoyo Bianchi – Drums (Teravolt, Sleeping Dog)


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