Collectible Package Art by Paul Booth

“We’re ALWAYS looking for new canvases to create and cause chaos in conventional coffee culture and to make ‘craftier coffee more communicable to counterculture. With what, close to a quarter-billion souls branded in ink now, and a couple billion cups supped every sun cycle, it’s a match made in Hell. So, whom not more formidable to partner with to unfurl this pact than the dark master himself… Paul Booth. It’s not like we roasted these beans in the crematorium or anything, but we can confess that this coffee is conjured from the mouth of Hell itself.” – Concept Cafes

Paul Booth is a world-renowned artist known for his haunting and evocative artwork, On its

March 28, 2002 magazine cover, Rolling Stone declared Paul Booth “The New King of Rock and Roll Tattoos.” With a career spanning over three decades, Booth has established himself as a master of the macabre, exploring themes of mortality, spirituality, and the human condition in his striking paintings and tattoos. Paul Booth is also a musician, filmmaker, sculptor and, now published author, having released his first novel Mortal Skin just last month. Paul Booth has penned or haunting tale for his private label coffee Devil’s Pact.

“In a quaint coffee shop tucked away on a cobblestone street, The Roaster’s obsession with the perfect cup of coffee bordered on madness. As the owner and master roaster, he had dedicated his life to crafting the most exquisite blends, scouring the globe for the rarest beans and experimenting with arcane roasting techniques. Yet, no matter how sublime his creations, a nagging sense of dissatisfaction lingered, a hunger that could never be sated.

One fateful night, as the last embers of the roaster died down, a stranger materialized amidst the swirling smoke. With eyes that burned like smoldering coals and a voice that oozed like molten sin, he extended an unholy offer – the secret to crafting the most transcendent coffee the world has ever known, a brew so divine it would make angels weep. The price? The Roaster’s immortal soul.

Blinded by his all-consuming obsession, The Roaster eagerly accepted the bargain, his signature searing the parchment in a burst of eldritch flames. From that moment, a metamorphosis began to twist his being, his senses heightening to preternatural levels as he delved into forbidden knowledge.

Under the stranger’s tutelage, The Roaster ventured into realms beyond mortal comprehension, harvesting beans from blighted groves where gibbering monstrosities slithered, and roasting them in ancient kilns stoked by the damned. With each infernal technique mastered, his creations grew more sublime, their aroma and flavor transcending the limits of human perception.

Word of The Roaster’s unearthly brews spread like a plague, drawing patrons from far and wide to sample the nectar of the gods. Yet, as his renown grew, so too did the darkness festering within him. His eyes became twin obsidian voids, his skin an ashen parchment etched with eldritch sigils that pulsed with unholy radiance.

As the years bled away, The Roaster’s humanity withered, leaving only an insatiable hunger for that which lay beyond the veil of reality. He began to experiment with profane additives, infusing his blends with ingredients harvested from realms where madness reigned supreme – the crystallized tears of cosmic horrors, the powdered bones of elder gods, and essences distilled from the very stuff of nightmares.

With each transgression, the veil between worlds thinned perilously. Tendrils of unreality seeped into the waking world, twisting the minds of those who drank too deeply of The Roaster’s infernal brews. Madness became a contagion, spreading like wildfire through the city, until the very streets ran black with the ichor of the damned.

In the climactic finale, as reality itself teetered on the brink of unraveling, The Roaster realized the true price of his bargain. The stranger, revealed as an emissary of the Outer Void, had never intended to grant him mastery over coffee, but to use him as a harbinger of the apocalypse. With his last shreds of sanity, The Roaster made one final, desperate attempt to reverse the cataclysm he had unleashed, but it was too late. As the barriers between realities shattered, he glimpsed for a fleeting moment the eternal blasphemies that lurked in the spaces between – vast, cyclopean entities whose very existence defied the laws of physics and reason.

In the end, as the world drowned in a tide of madness and unreality, The Roaster’s last thoughts were not of regret, but of the perfect cup of coffee he had finally crafted – a brew so sublime, so transcendent, that even the Elder Gods themselves would tremble before its perfection.”