WAR MACHINE MARKETING Now Offering Exclusive, Personalized Action Figure Creations – Perfect Merch Item for Bands or as Gifts for Friends!

War Machine Marketing, an independent company based in Los Angeles specializing in creation and distribution of promotional products, marketing collateral, and tour production items, is now offering an exclusivenew service in which YOU can be turned into a Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel or any other action figure! That’s right, if you’ve ever imagined yourself or your band as an action figure, you’re looking for a unique holiday gift, or your band needs a few more interesting merch items to sell on tour or on your website, this item could be your savior!

War Machine Marketing can make figures of characters that were never created by another manufacturer, or just about any person just doing their thing! These figures are fully articulated, helmets come on/off, and weapons go in and out of holsters. Each figure comes with a stand that will have your name on it (or the name of your character – limited to letter count). Take a look at some custom figures created by War Machine Marketing here on their official Pinterest page.

Figures start at $150+, depending on how custom/detailed they are. This is a GREAT price for a unique, personalized piece of art that very few companies can produce.


War Machine Marketing CEO/Owner Ro Kohli explains his idea for the project, “I was buying custom figures off my sculptor on eBay when I realized… if he could do the cool custom figures I was buying, why not do one that looked like me? I had a fairly “easy” look to do and had some ideas about what kind of figure I wanted. So after emailing him on the style, tone, color and vibe of my figure, he made one of me that was better than I ever would have imagined! After that, I realized that this situation was actually a nerd/geek’s dream come true. It’s one thing to have every Boba Fett item out there, but it’s another thing to have a Boba Fett (or Boba Fett type character) where the helmet came off to reveal YOU! Plus, this could be a great merch items for bands! So after that, he and I decided to do this as a War Machine Marketing exclusive service for people who really wanted a unique gift for a friend or just for themselves.”

Contact War Machine Marketing at rok@warmachinemarketing.com for more promotional items or the custom action figures, and visit http://warmachinemarketing.espwebsite.com/ for more information on War Machine Marketing!

For press inquiries, please contact Adrenaline PR and Maria Ferrero at 732-462-4262 or maria@adrenalinepr.com.